Our offices will be closed from December 18, 2023, and reopen January 2, 2024

Giving While You’re Living: Inter Vivos Gifts

Transferring gifts and establishing joint ownership of assets by adding intended beneficiaries to property titles, while you’re still alive, are effective, and proactive estate planning tools. Why not give gifts while the appreciation for the gift can still be expressed? Through proactive estate planning, gifts may be given while alive or inter vivos, and by […]

A Word To The Wise… Director

Directors who are appointed to a company at incorporation, or at any other time duringthe life of the company, are appointed to oversee, and in some cases, manage theaffairs of the company. This does not mean, however, that directors have carte blancheauthority to enter into transactions and run the company in any way they feelappropriate.Too […]

Don’t go rolling in your grave

Addressing the matter of writing, and securing your Last Will & Testament can undoubtedly be an uncomfortable topic, but even more uncomfortable, is a contentious “dead leff” horror story. A well drafted Will can give you the peace of mind of knowing your affairs can be wrapped up as smoothly as possible, so you do […]

The Watchdog for Apartment Living

There has been an explosion in high rise apartment buildings and townhome complexes, not only in the corporate area, but throughout the country. The increased popularity of apartment living has also spawned an increase in disputes and issues associated with this type of communal living.  Owners and potential buyers into these developments can look to […]